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Adenan Satem, Chinese Community, Chinese-medium schools, Sarawak, Sarawak Chinese Community, Sarawak Education

Another RM1 million for Sarawak’s Chinese-medium schools

CHINESE independent schools in Sarawak have been promised RM5 million next year!

In a move that truly shows our Chinese brothers and sisters that they are indeed Anak Sarawak and not pendatang, our Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Adenan Satem has promised the 14 Chinese independent schools another RM1 million on top of the RM4 million they are getting this year.

Last year the schools received RM3 million.

As I said in a previous post funding for Chinese-medium schools is good for the State overall as they benefit Sarawakians of various ethnic and religious backgrounds and not just those from the Chinese community.

When presenting this year’s RM4 million for the schools, Adenan said: “Last year, you had RM3 million reasons to be happy. This year, you have RM4 million reasons to be happy. Next year, if I continue to be the chief minister, you will have 5 million reasons to be happy.”

The CM made it clear that if he continues to lead our State, he will ensure that the schools continue to get the support they deserve.

He also shared that there will be funding from the State for our Chinese-medium primary schools, which are aided by the Federal Government.

That’s fantastic news as we Sarawakians know that many rural Chinese-medium primary schools are populated by a majority of Bumiputera students.

As a product of a Mission school (St Joseph’s in Kuching), I hope our Chief Minister will also consider aiding Mission Schools in Sarawak.

We all know that investing in Sarawakian children is the best way to ensure real transformation for our State.

Here’s the story from The Borneo Post:

CM Promises RM5 mln for Chinese schools

By Jane Moh

SIBU: The 14 Chinese independent secondary schools in the state have been promised a grant of RM5 million next year.

Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Adenan Satem promised to increase the annual grant by RM1 million on the condition that he is still Chief Minister.

“Last year, you had RM3 million reasons to be happy. This year, you have RM4 million reasons to be happy.

“Next year, if I continue to be the chief minister, you will have 5 million reasons to be happy,” he said when presenting the promised RM4 million grant yesterday.

Adenan said assistance would also be given to aided Chinese primary schools.

“And I’ll continue to fight for the recognition of the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC).

“The UEC issue has not been resolved because the federal government told me that you have to change the syllabus to make it Malaysian,” he said.

However, Adenan said as far as Sarawak is concerned, Yayasan Sarawak is ready to offer UEC students scholarships or loans.

“You are welcome to apply for the scholarships,” he said.

Meanwhile, Adenan reiterated that Chinese Sarawakians are not ‘pendatang’ (immigrants).

“You are not immigrants. Maybe your great grandparents were, but now you are the fourth or fifth generation.

You are the citizens of Malaysia – Anak Sarawak,” he stressed.

Adenan also assured Sarawakians that they are free to practise their respective religions.

Present at the event were Adenan’s wife Datin Patinggi Datuk Jamilah Anu, Second Finance Minister and Minister of Local Government and Community Development Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh, his wife Datin Sri Pauline Leong, Assistant Minister of Communications and Sports Datuk Dr Lee Kim Shin, Sibu Municipal Council chairman Datuk Tiong Thai King, Rimbunan Hijau Group executive chairman Tan Sri Datuk Sir Tiong Hiew King, and Nangka assemblyman Dr Annuar Rapaee and Temenggong Vincent Lau Lee Ming.



  1. Pingback: Poll finds Adenan’s approval rating among Chinese at 60pct | Parochial Sarawakian - July 23, 2015

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