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DAP, Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS), Sarawak, Sarawak Politics

PAS slams former PR partner DAP’s agenda

AH the knives are finally beginning to come out when it comes to the former marriage of (in)convenience known as Pakatan Rakyat (PR) in Sarawak.

As we know by now, the Democratic Action Party (DAP) finally left the coalition in Sarawak back in March.

Now Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) is starting to question the State DAP’s chairman Chong Chieng Jen.

You see Chong had in the State Legislative Assembly (DUN), during his debate of the Governor’s address, suggested the State Barisan Nasional’s 25 MPs join PR’s 86 MPs and one from the Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM) to form the Federal Government with a simple majority of 112 MPs.

Yes, Chong suggested BN MPs join PR at Federal level. PR – the very coalition that he and DAP Sarawak decided to leave!!!

How is that logical? No wonder PAS is questioning Chong’s agenda.

PAS Sarawak deputy commissioner III Jofri Jaraiee rightly called the move political rhetoric and playing to the gallery.

“If in Sarawak, DAP already severed ties with PR Sarawak, how he can invite Sarawak BN to join the national PR for a unity government?” Jofri questioned.

Seriously how ridiculous can one get? DAP Sarawak does not want to be in a coalition with PAS at State-level but is okay with it at Federal-level and wants BN to get into bed with them too?

Jofri even suggested that what Chong really wanted was to join BN Sarawak!!

He is perhaps not far off in terms of how desperate the DAP led by Chong is for power.

Where’s the party’s concern for the rakyat in all this? None. All the DAP cares about is being in a position of power.

Is this the kind of so-called change we want in Sarawak? I think not.

The story from The Borneo Post:

PAS questions Chong’s agenda

MIRI: Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) has questioned the agenda of state Democratic Action Party (DAP) chairman Chong Chieng Jen.

PAS Sarawak deputy commissioner III Jofri Jaraiee said this when commenting on Chong’s suggestion that the state Barisan Nasional (BN) join Pakatan Rakyat (PR) to form the federal government.

During Chong’s debate of the Head of State’s address at the recent State Legislative Assembly (DUN) sitting, he had proposed the state BN’s 25 members of parliament (MPs) join PR’s 86 MPs and one from the Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM) to form the federal government with a simple majority of 112 MPs.

Jofri called the move political rhetoric and playing to the gallery.

“If in Sarawak, DAP already severed ties with PR Sarawak, how he can invite Sarawak BN to join the national PR for a unity government?” he questioned.

He suggested that perhaps Chong wanted to join BN Sarawak as he could not work with PR.

“That is Chong and his party’s affairs. We do not want to interfere in their internal affairs. It is up to the members and their supporters to evaluate his desire to form a unity government with BN,” said Jofri.


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