
illegal logging

This category contains 5 posts

Adenan’s administration gets more praise for fight against graft, illegal logging

WELL our State government led by Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Adenan Satem has done it again. I’ve written in the past about our State receiving praise from international bodies including those previously critical of Sarawak such as the Bruno Manser Fund, WWF and Nature Alert. This was because of Adenan’s work fighting against illegal logging and corruption … Continue reading

Bruno Manser Fund praises Adenan

IN what can be called an amazing coup for Sarawak, our Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Adenan Satem has received plaudits from the Bruno Manser Fund – a Swiss-based NGO that has had nothing good to say about our State for decades. Yes the BMF has joined the ranks of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and … Continue reading

WWF praises Sarawak CM’s battle against illegal logging

I HAVE previously posted about our Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Adenan Satem’s crusade against illegal logging and how important this is for our State. Well don’t just take my word for it. The World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) has also sung our Chief Minister’s praises for his war against illegal logging activities in Sarawak. Yup the WWF … Continue reading

Sarawak CM continues to battle illegal logging

DID you know that Sarawak lost at least RM1.4 million in royalties during the first quarter of this year due to illegal logging? These are actually figures for the 94 cases that were detected by the enforcement teams who have been working tirelessly, now that our Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Adenan Satem has tasked them … Continue reading

UK-based nature NGO praises Sarawak CM

NOW I normally pay no heed to foreign NGOs that are hell-bent on criticising everything that the government does to ensure a sound economic future for the State and country. That is why reading this open letter by Sean Whyte from the UK-based NGO Nature Alert was such a shocker – but for once in a totally positive … Continue reading
